Spiritual companions
Some people find that they can use help in developing their relationship with God. The ministry of spiritual direction, or spiritual companionship, is the quiet process of discovering God’s presence in our lives. An ancient ministry, individual believers and Christian communities have sought spiritual friends and directors as companions on their faith journeys for centuries.
Spiritual direction is the practice of deepening our relationship with the holy one. By sharing individual life stories in a safe and sacred environment, the director guides the directee to listen for God and to trust God’s Wisdom. Spiritual direction enables individuals to enter into a reflective, faithful relationship with God and discover a doorway into God’s Spirit.
In the Church of England, people, both lay and ordained, who have a vocation and an aptitude for this careful, prayerful ministry are selected and trained and made available. You'd normally be advised to meet with someone, carefully selected for you, who is well outside the parish, even in another diocese. After exploring your needs in prayer, which might take several visits, you would arrange a pattern of contact that suits you.
For more information, please contact our clergy team.