Say Morning or Evening Prayer
Access the Church of England's Common Worship Daily Prayer Feed
These are the daily services we say in church or at home.
Be part of the great prayer effort of the church, the Opus Dei.
Feel the way regular prayer, use of the psalms and readings from the bible underpin the life of All Saints.
Click here to join Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer or Night Prayer.
You won't need anything else - bible readings and prayers are included.
You might want our Prayer Diary if you would like to join your personal prayer with others at All Saints.
You can say these services alone (either silently or out loud) or with others. With others, one of you needs to do the parts in light type and the odd verses of the psalms and canticles, the others take the bits in bold, and share the readings. In the Psalm and the earlier canticles it is normal to pause in the middle of each verse for a second or so - this is not an affectation but designed to help you focus on the verse and pray it, not just gabble it through. We tend to say the Benedictus (Morning Prayer) and Magnificat (Evening Prayer) and Nunc Dimittis (Night Prayer) all together, without pauses. They are called the Gospel Canticles, and they embody the very heart of our Christian faith.
If you can't come to church, find a quiet place, make yourself comfortable, sitting or kneeling.
If you have one, it is great to light a candle to create a definite time and mood of prayer.
These notes are for guidance, and you can find a way of using these acts of prayer and worship that best suits you and brings you closer to God.
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