


Pastoral Care 


All Saints has an exceptional team of lay members who have prayerfully decided that part of their vocation is to help others. They have been trained and work as a team to offer support to those that need it. Not just support for members of the church, but for everyone and anyone from our community. 

Most of the work they do is visiting. They offer support to those who are unable to get out or about, either permanently or whilst recovering from an illness or some other problem. Some of them take Holy Communion to the sick and housebound - a great blessing if the sacrament has been a big part of your life. Mostly, we offer support, friendship, a listening ear. Loneliness is a great scourge, even in a village as sociable as Nettleham.

Often they get involved in greater problems. Bereavement is an experience in which a listening ear can be immensely helpful. People who are facing financial, personal or social issues receive our help. We don't offer professional counselling or legal advice, but we can help people to access such services. We can help organise transport, be an era voice getting proper care packages in place. All those we help are not old, though that is a big part of our work. Single parents, people with minor mental health issues, people with housing challenges, people with debt problems - they come in all ages and types. 

If you would like someone from All Saints to help you or someone you know, contact the Parish Office.

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Church Life

There is lots going on here at All Saints, make yourself at home - you are welcome!


wc 19th February