Organ music is an important part of the worship of All Saints.
The instrument is larger and more versatile than those in many similar local churches.
The organ is used to accompany the choirs, lead hymn-singing and provide liturgical links and atmosphere.A
It is also used for voluntaries before and after services and in concerts and recitals.
Since the retirement of Graham Chapman, the organ has been played by a roster of musicians.
The Cousans Organ

The current pipe organ is located on the west wall of the nave above the tower arch and played from a detached console in the north aisle.
It was built by the former Lincoln firm of Cousans in 1971 to replace the 1881 Wordsworth and Maskell organ which stood in the north of the Bodley chancel and was destroyed by the fire of 1969.
The new case, designed to harmonise with the Bodley and Garner ceiling of the nave, was designed by LH Bond.
The instrument has electro-pneumatic key action and stop keys. It has 2 manuals each of 58 notes and a pedal board of 30 notes. The organ is on 3 ½ inches wind pressure.
Open Diapason 8
Rohr Flote 8
Principal 4
Flute 4 (replacing Nazard 2 2/3)
Fifteenth 2
Swell (Enclosed)
Lieblich Gedackt 8
Viola 8
Gemshorn 4
Blockflote 2
Larigot 1 1/3
Trompette 8
Bourdon 16
Principal 8
Bass Flute 8. (Extension from Bourdon)
Choral Bass 4
Swell to Pedal
Swell to Great
Swell octave to Great
Swell sub-octave to Great
Swell octave
Great to Pedal
3 thumb pistons to each manual (double touch to Pedal)
3 toe pedals
Toe pedals for Gt-Pd, Sw-Gt