Daily prayer
As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are encouraged to pray regularly to God.
Prayer is what blesses our church building and makes it into sacred space.
Prayer is what blesses us and our work and makes us into joyful disciples.
Finding time and space for prayer is really important if we are to grow in our love and understanding of God, become more like Jesus, and be part of the kingdom of heaven here on earth.
Prayer is about sharing time with God, and about being quiet and attentive to God.
Many Christians find that a daily pattern and rhythm of prayer is really helpful.
All Saints has a daily pattern of prayer which is the foundation of all we do, and members of the ministry team kep to quite and extensive life of prayer.
Many members of the congregation follow this same pattern.
The pattern of daily Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer and Night Prayer (Compline) derives from the pattern established by St Benedict for those who joined christian communities in the early 6th Century.
It was then put into the hands and lives of ordinary people by the Book of Common Prayer in 1662 - the foundation document of the Church of England.
However, it is just as valuable today as the backbone of our life with Christ.
There are many ways of structuring your prayer life, and regular time for free prayer, or other sources of prayer material are available.
However, there is additional joy and sense of purpose in being part of the prayer effort in All Saints and across the Church of England.